A Nutrient-Dense Superfood to Benefit Your Dog's Health
Digestive disorders such as dog diarrhea, gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, pancreatitis and other conditions are plaguing our dogs in skyrocketing numbers. Even conditions that don’t appear to be of digestive nature like allergies, arthritis, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and even cancer can be caused by gut issues. The choices you make when it comes to feeding your dog are now more important than ever because gut health effects your dog’s entire body and well-being.
Some of the most potent ingredients to fuel our health and the health of our dogs are found in colorful vegetables, which are functional foods provided my Mother Nature. While a multitude of nutrients can be found in different types of vegetables, some are more nutrient-rich than others. Root vegetable like carrots in particular are filled with nourishing vitamins, rich minerals, and phytonutrients that promote optimal health. Carrots have long been used for their health benefits and natural healing powers.
Do dogs really need vegetables?
Protein is arguably the most important nutrient in a dog’s diet. While vegetables are not an essential nutrient, phytonutrients from functional carbohydrates offer a number of health benefits that can only be obtained from plant material, including protection against disease and certain cancers. Therefore, more pet parents than ever choose to incorporate some vegetables in their dog’s diet, and more veterinarians than ever recommend to add a small amount of vegetables to a dog’s diet.
Most dogs enjoy eating raw carrots, and while it is a fun thing to do, and pet parents think they are providing a healthy snack, fact is that dogs are not able to properly digest raw vegetables.
Therefore, dogs will not be able to absorb and utilize the great nutrients found it carrots. The chewed up, undigested pieces will get passed out just the way they were swallowed.
Steaming, or grinding the carrots in a food processor can help break down the cell wall to
help increase the digestibility.
Keeping in mind that carrots, like all root vegetables, start losing nutrients from the time they come out of the ground, it is important to buy carrots as fresh as possible.
Especially Prepared for Dogs
Natural | Simple | Effective
Olewo Carrots are the solutions if you want your dog to receive the health benefits from carrots.
Olewo Carrots are in a form that is highly digestible for dogs so can absorb, assimilate, and utilize the amazing nutrition from carrots to benefit their health.
At Olewo, the carrots go to preparation as soon as they come out of the ground at harvest to avoid the loss of valuable nutrients.
Once rehydrated, the product returns to a fresh food appearance with the same palatability and nutritional value that resembles fresh carrot.
"1"-Ingredient Product | 100% Natural
Olewo Carrots are the ORIGINAL Carrots for Dogs. The product is made from fresh carrots that have a high nutrient content because they are grown in Northern Germany, known for its extremely fertile soil.
No other ingredients, just 100% carrots that are preserved naturally through dehydration.

Easily Add To Any Dog Food
Whether you are feeding dry dog food (kibble), wet dog food (canned), a raw diet, or home-cooked meals, Olewo Carrots can easily be added to any dog food.
Simply re-hydrate the carrot pellets in some warm water and add to your dog’s regular food.
Trusted & Proven Product
The Olewo company in Germany developed Olewo Carrots more than 40 years ago when natural products for pets were not common.
Olewo understands the power of the pet’s body to rejuvenate itself with natural nutrition, and has built a loyal following of pet owners that are seeking all-natural, trusted and proven products.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter with helpful tips on how to deal with Dog Diarrhea, Digestive Issues, Skin Allergies and Itching, and to receive notifications of special savings events!
Olewo Carrots
Olewo Carrots were developed more than 40 years ago in Germany when a Doberman Breeder’s dogs kept dying due to severe diarrhea
that he could not get under control.
Even though Olewo Carrots offer a plethora of health benefits, they are best known for curing dog diarrhea and loose stools which certain dog breeds are prone to.
Amazingly, in most cases, Olewo Carrots resolve dog diarrhea and loose stools after just 2 feedings!
Helps Prevent & Relieve
Promotes Gut Health |
Helps Prevent & Relieve
Enhances Coat Color, Markings, Pigmentation |
Helps Protect against Disease and Cancer |
An ongoing diarrhea problem finally resolved!
"I just want you to know, I have had so many problems with my dogs here at Noir & Blanc Border Collies. They have had issues with diarrhea since they were born. They have gone to my Vet and been put on all kinds of medications to control this problem. It worked for a little while, but then it came back. I have been so frustrated trying to help them with this. I could not get any weight on them either. I have changed dog food many times over the past year, to no avail either.
Well, after doing more research online, I came across the Olewo website. I decided to give it a try. I have been feeding the Olewo Carrots for the past two weeks or so, and I cannot tell you what a joy it is for me to be writing to you about the outcome... no more diarrhea, and we have weight
gain also. The dogs are looking and acting so much better. I am so thrilled, words cannot tell you how grateful I am for this amazing miracle! I will always feed it to my babies."
Audrey Young, Pinon Hills, CA
Noir & Blanc Border Collies
From dry and crumbly to firm and moist poop!
"This is Chance at his birthday celebration last year... this is the boy we rescued in August 2012. The family who had him said he was 8 years old. He has diabetes, but it’s under control and his sugars are very steady.
When he arrived, his poop was always white and dry, and it would literally crumble when it fell to the ground. I started Chance on Nutrisca when he arrived, and within a year, I switched him to a 100% raw diet.
Even then, his poop remained the same... white, dry and brittle. When I added Olewo Carrots to all four of my labs’ diet, straight away, Chance’s poop turned to "normal", firm and moist. He has NEVER had a dry stool since I added the carrots tohis diet two years ago."
Tina Brooks, Homasassa, FL
From liquid diarrhea to perfect poop rolling down the hill!
"I discovered Olewo Carrots a few years back after Marker, our retired Greyhound, came down with a severe case of Gastroenteritis, requiring hospitalization to receive meds via IV for several days. When she was released from the vets she was sent home with a special prescription gastro diet that was supposed to help get her digestion back on track. It was expensive and did nothing to curb the diarrhea. Our pooch was literally painting the sidewalks brown on each walk, it was pretty nasty. We then tried adding (again expensive) prescription probiotics to the food with no avail. While trolling a Greyhound breed specific forum on the subject of dealing with the "Big D", I came across several threads about the wonders of Olewo Carrots. So I ordered up a bag and was SO glad I did because within 3 days of feeding the carrots there was a BIG improvement in stool quality. Firmed them right up, they could roll down a hill, ha ha! Olewo really works! Thanks for making such a great (and affordable) product!"
Tara Campbell, Ontario, Canada
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